
Poyan och Malin sitter i en soffa

Catch Me AB now a public company

As of January 29, 2024, Catch Me AB is a public company. This is an important milestone for several reasons. One of them is that the company can seek risk capital and offer investments on the open market.

-We feel a deep sense of pride in having reached this point; we would be lying if we claimed otherwise. And for those who wish to invest in a company with high potential while contributing to a fairer job market, now is indeed the right time, says Catch Me’s founder and CEO, Poyan Sandnell.

In January 2024, Catch Me launched an app with an inclusive service offering part-time jobs in eight professional fields to people in ten Swedish cities. But this is just the beginning. Many more Swedish cities, as well as new professional fields, will be added, and by the end of 2024, the app will also be launched in the rest of the Nordic countries. Parts of the rest of Europe are next in line after that.