
Patrik Anderbro

Patrik Anderbro to Catch Me

Catch Me strengthens the board, Patrik Anderbro, former CEO at KPMG.

Patrik has worked for more than 25 years as an accountant with everything from owner-managed companies to listed companies in many different industries. Patrik has a background as an elite bandy player and in his civilian career has used that experience to work with individual development and build strong teams. Patrik held a number of senior positions at KPMG, including the last four years as CEO. Today, Patrik works as an investor and senior advisor on a number of boards.

– With Patrik’s broad experience, we have secured the competence internally to be able to build a stable financial foundation for Catch Me’s continued expansion. I am very happy that Patrik is with us, both as a major investor and as a member of the board, says Poyan Sandnell, founder and CEO of Catch Me.

At the turn of the year, Catch Me launched a digital service with a focus on extra jobs and has taken the plunge with automated matching. This means simpler and cheaper recruitment work for the companies. Another innovation is that anyone looking for additional jobs via Catch Me performs digital tests. This means that the job is always offered to the person who has the best qualifications and is most suitable.

– I was very happy when I was asked to join Catch Me’s board. I am impressed by the drive of Poyan Sandnell and colleague Malin Engström. I like to work with people who want to move forward and who give that “little” extra to develop their idea and achieve success. I look forward to being part of Catch Me’s continued journey, says Patrik Anderbro.

Patrik Anderbro was elected to the board at the annual general meeting in March 2024. He replaces Malin Engström.