
Catch me academy

Catch Me breaks new ground

Catch Me is launching the app that breaks new ground on the job market. Thousands of people will soon be offered jobs – just by registering.

Catch Me has a focus on extra work and has taken the plunge with automated matching. This means simpler and cheaper recruitment work for the companies, but without sacrificing accuracy. Another novelty is that it is an inclusive service. This means that whoever is offered a job through Catch Me is anonymous. In this way, the job is always offered to the person who has the best qualifications and is most suitable.

– This service is really like my baby, still in the soul. Everything I wanted is there. I am so very proud that we brought this project to fruition and that Catch Me will contribute to a fairer labor market, says Poyan Sandnell, Catch Me’s founder and CEO.

The interest has been great. More than 6,000 people have signed up before launch and the response from businesses has been equally strong.

– The response from the companies has been greater than we dared to dream of. We planned to have ten companies with us during the first quarter, but it will be about 50 of Sweden’s largest companies, says Poyan Sandnell.

The launch takes place in several stages. First, extra jobs are offered in eight professional areas in ten of the largest Swedish cities, but this will be gradually built on with offers for more professional groups and with a greater spread in the country. Later this year, the plan is for Catch Me to establish itself in the rest of the Nordic region.