
Hello there...

…Vanessa Reman, 22 years old, who was the first to get extra work through Catch Me. How does it feel to be historical?

– It feels incredibly fun. I had no idea I was the very first so it was a fun surprise on my first shift.

Can you briefly describe how it happened?

– I installed the app and created an account. Then I did three different tests where I had to answer questions. After that I waited and one day I received a notice that I had received a match for a job. I could go into the app and approve or choose to decline. I agreed and got all the information I needed in the app. For example, what clothing I should wear and contact details for the person in charge at Saab Arena, but also the working hours and what hourly wage I would receive. Everything went very smoothly.

What else do you do when you’re not working at the restaurants in Saab Arena?

– I’m studying at folk high school so this is a good way for me to bring in some extra money and also have a fun experience by working.

How would you rate the experience, compared to applying for a job the traditional way?

– I would give this experience 10/10. I think it’s a very good and flexible idea. Instead of applying, waiting and then possibly getting an interview, I instead do three simple tests at one time and then I can say yes or no when I have been matched to a job, depending on whether I can work or not. It is also fantastic that you get paid immediately after completing the shift.

Finally, do you have any good tips for those who want extra work through Catch Me?

– Not to stress yourself out for the tests or the first work shift. The first work shift is of course nervous, but it will go great. The people you work with will most certainly be very nice. This is a very good way for those who need some extra money quickly. I highly recommend it.