
Mötesrum med personer som håller i en svensk och en amerikansk flagga

The production of the Catch Me app has officially begun!

It’s not an ordinary day; it’s the day we kick off the production of the app that will revolutionize the job market. We embarked on this exciting journey with an energizing kick-off event with our entire team at our proud supplier, Bontouch.

What makes this day even more special is the participation of both our New York and Stockholm offices in this project. This signifies our proud display of two flags, symbolizing our global commitment to creating a better working world for everyone.

Our app is the result of careful planning, innovation, and a passion for making work life easier and more rewarding for both employees and employers. It will offer innovative solutions for the job market, including job searching, talent recruitment, and fostering a sense of belonging within work teams. 

During the kick-off event, our leadership team shared our vision and goals for Catch Me with all our colleagues. It was an inspiring moment where we all felt that we are part of something significant and essential. Together, we will change the way the job market operates.

Our partnership with Bontouch, a prominent app development partner, instills confidence in us to create a high-quality app with user-friendly design and innovative features. We are convinced that this partnership will take Catch Me to new heights and make it an indispensable resource for everyone involved in the world of work.

We also want to express our gratitude to our investors who have believed in our vision and provided us with the opportunity to make this project a reality. Your support is crucial to our success.

We look forward to the future with excitement and promise to work diligently to deliver an app that will make a real difference in the working world. Please continue to follow us on this exciting journey, and together, we will shape a brighter future for the world of work.