Catch Me is launching a new share issue!

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Inclusive service – high potential




By investing in Catch Me, you can be part of shaping the future of recruitment and the job market while to contributing bringing more people into employment.



Total capital received (SEK)


Number of shareholder

Welcome aboard at Catch Me. We’re on this journey together!

Investing in Catch Me means being part of a ground-breaking movement that is redefining the labour market. By offering a one-hundred percent digital platform for job seekers and recruitment, Catch Me creates a seamless and efficient process to match the workforce with available jobs. This digital transformation provides the company with a significant competitive advantage and with this, substantial growth opportunities.

Catch Me is unique. Traditional staffing companies use traditional methods. Through our recruitment system, we are redefining the labour market. By focusing on relevant criteria such as skills, physical predispositions, and language proficiency, as well as not considering gender, age, ethnicity or religion, a fairer and more inclusive job market is established. This creates a broader and more diverse pool of talents, which in turn provides companies investing in Catch Me with access to a variety of qualified, diverse and competent candidates.

Poyan Sandnell,
CEO – Catch Me



“With the presence of Catch Me, the market gains access to a digitally driven platform that redefines the recruitment process. Catch Me focuses on part-time jobs, and automated matching enables growth and efficiency for businesses. This means simpler and more cost-effective recruitment processes without compromising on precsion in the selection process. Another innovation is that this is an inclusive service,which means that those offered a job  through Catch Me remain anonymous. This way, the job is always offered to the person with the best qualifications and most suitable skills.”


Poyan Sandnell, CEO

Our unique matching system paves the way for the future job market and creates opportunities for all.

The matching system used by Catch Me is a pivotal differentiating factor. By not requiring users to actively apply for jobs and instead automatically connecting them with relevant opportunities, a more seamless and efficient recruitment process is established. This saves time and resources for both employers and job seekers alike, making Catch Me an attractive solution for companies looking to streamline their recruitment processes.

Investors choosing to invest in Catch Me are not only provided with an opportunity to be part of a disruptive and growing sector but also, to support a platform that promotes inclusion and fairness. By investing in Catch Me, investors can help to shape the future of the labour market, where competence and ability take precedence over prejudice and discrimination.

Malin Engström,
Investor relations – Catch Me


A competent board with a clear vision for the future

With Christer Trägårdh, formerly Vice President of the Swedbank Group, and Carolina Engström Lökken, formerly CEO of The Friends Foundation, Catch Me combines financial expertise with social commitment.

Svartvit bild på Poyan Sandnell

Poyan Sandnell
CEO, Catch Me


Svartvit porträttbild på Malin Engstrom på Catch Me

Malin Engström
Investor relations, Catch Me


Patrik Anderbro

Patrik Anderbro
Chairman of the Board, Catch Me (starting in March 2024)


Former CEO at KPMG

Read more about Patrik

Carolina Engström Lökken
Board member, Catch Me (starting in March 2024)


Former CEO at Stiftelsen Friends and current CEO at Wes.

Read more about Carolina

En person som håller en mobil i handen.

The offer

Capital sought – SEK 7-8,000,000

Valuation – SEK 31,400,000

Price per share – SEK 60

– Class B shares are applied, but with an investment of at least SEK 250,000 Class A shares would be applied.

Anticipated closing date for the issue – April 4th 2025


Q4 2025 – Possible listing in Sweden + launch in Norway & Denmark

Q3-Q4 2026 –14,000 active employees and launch in Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

2027 – 42,000 active employees and launch in the rest of Europe.

2028 – Listing on Nasdaq

Unique platform that promotes inclusion, equality and fairness.

Be a part of creating a faster, more efficient and fairer path to getting a job.


Register easily with BankID and let Catch Me match the available jobs based upon your profile. No more actively job hunting – the app takes care of it for you. Get paid the same day the job is done. Download the app below to get started!


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